Daily Sagittarius Horoscope September 03 (03/09)
Now 22 − Dec 21
Alias: Alias: The Archer
September 03
daily sagittarius horoscope:
daily sagittarius horoscope:
Star 9/10
It can be difficult to know where to draw the line in terms of believing others are to blame for certain issues or failures. He did or didnt do that or she said would do this and it didnt happen and yadda, yadda, yadda. If you want to be the captain of your own destiny in a particular area, then youll need to be less reliant on others claims or promises. To identify the one person who can guarantee your success, simply look in the nearest mirror!
Read more...Star 7/10
There is much truth in saying do what you fear most and your fear will disappear. Reading between the lines, it suggests that, if you do what you fear most and youre still here, then you need not be fearful of that fear ever again! Try to bear all of this in mind where a particular fear you have is concerned. Taking a step to do what you view as fearful will soon banish it forever.
Read more...Star 7/10
There are plenty of lessons we learn in our own time and way, but when we receive insight or guidance from others, it can take time to realize how valuable or insightful what we were told or taught was. This week, you have a superb opportunity to learn something valuable, and this is likely to come from another individual. Someone is prepared to show you the ropes or show you the way. Their experience can benefit you if youre willing to adopt an open mind to what theyre keen to show or tell you.
Read more...Star 7/10
Where you might have felt restricted or hamstrung regarding career aspirations, a red light turns to green this month. It will likely become clear that you dont need to keep downsizing professional aspirations or settling for an arrangement that suits someone else more than it suits you. This month, and well into September, youre blessed with all the effort and motivation you need to achieve a spectacular work-related result. Your knowledge, expertise and talents look set to be put to better use and in ways that will fill you with an enormous sense of pride.
Read more...Star 10/10
You might sense all that is wrong with the world, but others might not be as aware as you are this week! The planetary alignment today will surely cause some frustration, some feeling of inequality that is hard for you to reckon with. Don\t take this out on your friends. To keep your mood steady, make sure there is plenty of Vitamin C and A in your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables keep our tempers mellow, and any excess energy is best taken care of by going to the gym.
Read more...Star 7/10
The planetary transit today is like having a boost of positive energy where it counts most: your own self-confidence. You can increase the effect of this month-long transit by grounding your physical self in healthy routines such as regular meals with no snacking in between, and exercise at least four times a week. You have a choice: get the most out of this transit (and your entire year is likely to benefit), or ignore it and wonder what might have been?
Read more...Star 10/10
Make sure to take the right vitamins and minerals that will boost your immune system. Current aspects could leave you open to colds, coughs, or other minor infections. Eat healthfully and supplement your diet so that you can feel energized, strong, and ready to fight off any challenge. Exercise is necessary, too!
Read more...Star 9/10
A dynamic focus hints that you may be busy with responsibilities, so keeping yourself strong could be vital over the weeks ahead. Though it might be tempting to opt for fast food or even no food at all, eating high-quality protein can give you the stamina to continue even if the going gets tough. This can be especially important once sensual Venus, your health planet, moves into your sector of responsibility. In addition, think about other ways to relieve stress, such as getting regular massages or enjoying a relaxing sauna. Mindfulness and other such practices can also keep tension at bay.
Read more...Star 7/10
Today originality is of the essence, and you will not want to remain at home doing something boring. Neither will you want to be with people who are stuck in a rut. Perhaps it is space you need, and time to go out and do your own thing. Either that, or some really positive intellectual stimulation. Just get out there and be yourself.
Read more...Star 7/10
Today may present a tug-of-war or conflict over the division between career and partnership issues. Your public and social image could be causing a problem with your loved one. This can be overcome by just talking it through, and also by genuinely taking the time to listen to each other. All it needs is the right perspective, and understanding will prevail.
Read more...Star 7/10
Sometimes dating means making the best of a bad situation. If you can laugh through the awkwardness at the beginning of the week, thats half the battle. A love letter or mysterious DM could arrive for you over the weekend, so a thorough investigation is in order. Following the clues will lead you to your secret admirer, but it might take a while before your curiosity is totally satisfied.
Read more...Star 7/10
Robust Mars powers into Virgo on September 5, and you know exactly what to say and whom to say it to. Its nice to be in command of your verbal game, especially as the dating competition heats up. A trine between gentle Venus and forceful Saturn on September 12 shows you that not everything has to be set in stone. Being flexible opens many different romantic doors, but you dont have to go through any of them. Your next move is your choice. The sun leaves structured Virgo for kindhearted Libra on September 22, and everything takes on a softer tone. Traditional gestures like opening car doors and gifts of chocolate win your heart.
Read more...Star 10/10
You are at a critical starting point right now that will become more obvious to you over the next few weeks. Bring old and outdated cycles to a close so that new ones can begin. This is an important time to reflect on yourself and your own goals.
Read more...Star 7/10
Someone or something requires one last final push today. Don\t give up until this final effort has been made. Other people may have given up, but this is no reason for you to do the same. Prove to others that you can finish what you start.
Read more...Star 8/10
Remind yourself that it\s lucky to have any job in the middle of a big financial crisis. Accept whatever you have to do with good humor. Your quickness and an alert intelligence make you a fast learner. Accept challenges this week. At the end of the week you may seek a new position or add extra duties to your busy schedule. You\ll be happiest if you\re working toward a position of power and influence.
Read more...Star 10/10
An emotionally satisfying career choice will be made in the opening days of September due to a fulfilling full moon. Its easy to achieve success when your heart and mind are working in perfect harmony. Have you been thinking about selling your business? This would be a good time to do so. Beware of taking on a high-profile job on September 20. The challenged new moon will make you feel like youre operating under a microscope. You should be shedding duties, not assuming more. Continue to look for an opportunity that allows you to work smarter, not harder. The best way to attract your dream job is to envision it clearly.
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