Daily Aries Horoscope August 12 (12/08)


Mar 21 − Apr 19

Alias: Alias: The Ram

August 12


daily aries horoscope:

summary aries daily

Star 10/10

Pretty much anythings easy one weve learned how to do it. However, we all know people who believe they know more about something than they do. There are some things that we either know and are skilled at or we dont know and shouldnt pretend otherwise. The sky implies your only danger now involves not asking for help or guidance where you could use either or both. Dont feel obliged to carry on suffering in silence unnecessarily.


summary aries tomorrow

Star 10/10

Taint what you do, its the way that you do it The title of Ella Fitzgeralds classic jazz number is relevant to you now. Your uniqueness or innovative approach to something might be overlooked by one or two people who ought to know better. You have your way of doing something, and you know that way suits you for more than one reason. Youre being helped to remind others now of what you can do - and the very special way you can do it!


summary aries weekly

Star 9/10

An opportunity could present itself this week that encourages you to lower your defenses where youve grown used to raising them. This might involve you being in unfamiliar territory, possibly quite literally, or finding yourself removed from a source of pressure youve grown used to. The cosmos isnt doing you a favor this week or taking any pity on you. Youve earned this respite and are entitled to seize it.


summary aries monthly

Star 7/10

With emphasis this month on love, romance and relationships, affairs of the heart will likely receive the most focus. Your attitudes toward emotional and physical connections are shifting, and its by taking steps youve been reluctant to take previously that will allow you to form and strengthen connections. However, it will also become clear that certain ties to your romantic or relationship past need to be severed if youre to make progress during coming weeks. Use the feel-good factor on offer this month to take a step toward achieving a long-held ambition.


health aries daily

Star 8/10

Today\s planetary aspect could make you feel a bit more loose than you normally do. Yes, loose! Unsure about what you think, more flexible about where you go and what you do, possibly more willing to be intimate or romantic with others. You are naturally curious. Apply this curiosity to some of your limbs in a gentle stretch class (or session at home, although a class is generally more thorough for beginners). You will benefit tremendously from deep breathing during this stretch.


health aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

Even during a time of great activity, it serves you well when you can create a space for reflection and introspection on a regular basis. How has your health been affected by your actions lately? What would you like to change about your eating habits and your other health habits such as sleep and exercise? Don\t let the chaos of your days distract you from asking yourself the questions you most want answers for.


health aries weekly

Star 9/10

Don\t let your expectations get in the way of your achievements. If you aim too high, you could grow disappointed and give up too soon. Pace yourself now, and don\t worry if others seem to be a long way ahead of you. They were once where you are now. The cosmos is encouraging you to get professional help for any wellness issues, and the sooner the better!


health aries monthly

Star 10/10

Your social life could be more active than usual, so getting enough rest and good food will be important. Good exercise will also help you feel in tiptop condition and keep you energized and active. Inquisitive Mercury, your wellness planet, will turn retrograde on August 12 for three weeks, which might coincide with the reappearance of certain minor symptoms. However, for peace of mind you may want to get things checked out with a health professional. But this retrograde phase can also bring answers to wellness issues, so it is possible that one ongoing matter could be resolved.


love aries daily

Star 8/10

The depth of feeling that can move a mountain within your romantic relationship cannot be readily found today. With the planetary energy at play, you will have to use some higher spiritual principles to really make an impact. This means not going down the road of the ego, but putting yourself in the shoes of your partner and really trying to see things from their point of view.


love aries tomorrow

Star 8/10

This day could become very interesting romantically. The alignment of the planets means that there is a way out of all the other tensions and diversions that you experience today. This is, to be honest, a day when passion and deep feelings expressed openly and honestly have a way of relaxing you all over, thus making you feel good about a whole host of other things.


love aries weekly

Star 7/10

You deserve the very best. Rearrange your schedule in the beginning of the week so you can be in all the popular singles spots to meet all the cool people. Your dating calendar will be full before you know it. Your gut instincts lead the way over the weekend, but potential negative consequences should stop you from acting on foolish whims. Strive for balance between total excitement and normalcy.


love aries monthly

Star 8/10

Money isnt the main reason your love life isnt in the state youd like it to be, but it is a consideration during the Jupiter/Pluto square on August 4. Once you improve your bank account, your love life may benefit. Coincidence? Augustbe, maybe not. You give great advice about romance during the Sun-Saturn trine on August 13, but you have a hard time counseling yourself. Why not listen to your own words of wisdom?! The Mars-Saturn trine on August 22 brings direction and focus to your love life in addition to an increased sex drive. Wheres theres a will, theres a way.


career aries daily

Star 9/10

All around, this is not a very strong day for you. Unfortunately, there may be no way around this. Even your well-laid plans may backfire, thanks to unseen events and influences. Don\t be too hard on yourself when not everything turns out \"right.\"


career aries tomorrow

Star 9/10

Friction between you and the people around you is a given. Ease this tension by letting your sensitive, compassionate side shine through. Furthermore, if you feel like you are being hurt in some way, speak up. Others will flock to your side.


career aries weekly

Star 8/10

You may need to face up to an aggravating situation. It\s better to speak up before something gets out of hand. Your boss is your most important reference, so keep this relationship on the best possible terms. Do what you can to make him or her look good now. Emotions can run high, so don\t intentionally provoke someone. You have the power to make people laugh and forget their worries.


career aries monthly

Star 7/10

A group project will end successfully around August 7. The most valuable player will come as a surprise to everyone. Thats because people unfairly assumed that a certain colleague wouldnt be able to put their ego aside for the sake of the team. It turns out this highly confident individual made the most impressive contributions. Offer a sincere apology for your initial distrust. This is your chance to form a beneficial alliance. A plum assignment will be awarded to you around August 21. Offer a bold alternative to the status quo if you want to make the most of this golden opportunity.



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